Grandstream Light Status

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The Grandstream HT 502 has five lights on the front of the device and four lights in the back.

The lights on the front of the device are:

  • Power: This MUST be a steady green light when the device is powered on.
  • WAN, LAN: When lit or blinking individually the light shows activity on the line.

When the WAN and LAN lights are simultaneously blinking on and off every 1 second this means that the device is updating its firmware or configuration (or both). DO NOT power the device off while it is in the process of updating, as you may compromise the device.

Phone1, Phone 2: These lights will blink when there is a new Voicemail in the Voicemail system. These lights will be steady when the phone is in use and will remain off when the phone is not in use and there are no new Voicemails.

The lights on the back of the device are:

  • WAN Yellow Light: When lit this light shows a physical connection to another device.
  • WAN Green Light: When lit or blinking this light shows activity on the line.
  • LAN Yellow Light: When lit this light shows a physical connection to another device.
  • LAN Green Light: When lit or blinking this light shows activity on the line.