Uninstalling Softphone on a Mac
• Open the Hard Drive on the Desktop
• Find the folder labeled “Applications”
• Find the Phone Power application icon and drag it to the trash.
• Open up the Terminal utility. Copy and Paste the following command into the Terminal window and press enter.
- defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
• Once that is done you will need to reboot the Finder. Copy and paste the following command into the Terminal and press enter
- killall Finder
• Go back to the hard Drive folder and open the Users folder.
• Find the user profile that you’re currently using and open it up and open the Library file. It will have a house as its icon.
• From the hidden Library folder, find the folder labeled Phone Power and drag it to the Trash Bin.
• Empty the Trash.
If you want to hide all of the hidden files again, copy and paste this command and reboot the finder defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles NO