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• If you don't know your SIP password, make sure the SIP credentials are enabled on your MyAccount page.


When you open Zoiper you will come across this popup for Zoiper Gold.
This is an option and you can skip this by clicking on Cancel on the bottom.

Zoiper-Dial Pad.png

After that, you will be on the dial pad. To create a new SIP account press Config at the upper right.

Zoiper Accounts.png

On the Config menu, select Accounts.

Zoiper AddAccount.png

Now select Add Account.

Zoiper UserPass.png

You will be given this popup to show if you have a username and password.
Click Yes.

Zoiper Manual.png

• The next popup shows if you have a provider or if you would like manual configuration. Click on Manual Configuration

Zoiper-Create SIP.png

• On the next screen, the Account type is SIP


• You are now at the SIP Account screen and we will need to fill in the information from the SIP Credentials as described at the beginning of this article.

Zoiper-Network Settings.png

Once that is done then go to Network settings.
From here set Register Expiry to 3600.


Press Back to go back to SIP account settings, then click Save.
You are now back at the account page, press the grey check mark icon next to the SIP Account to register.
It will turn green.

• Press back to get back to main page, then hit the dialer tab to return to your dial pad.

Congratulations you are now making calls using your Android device!